Monday, June 10, 2013

Chili Crab!!!

Chili Crab!!! 


  • CRAB! 
  • Sambal Chili (depending on how spicy you want it)
  • Tomato Sauce
  • 1-2 Eggs
  • 1 garlic 
  • Potato starch/ Corn flour
  • Water
  • Oil
  • Sugar


  1. Kill the CRAB! How? Very Easy. 
    • Throw the tied crab into the sink, flip it over using a chop stick.
    • Take the chopstick and poke it right in the middle. (slowly watch the crab die! haha)
  2. Wash the Crab. (Crabs are very dirty, so make sure you clean well)
  3. Cut the Crab:
    • Pry off the carapace (top shell) It is easier to do it from the rear of the crab. 
    • Take away all the internal organs leaving the eggs behind. Especially those hairy hairy gills. (if you cannot tell what is eggs and what is organs, best to remove all)
    • Now Pull off the claws away from the body of the crab. 
    • You are left with the legs and the body. you can use it into 4 pieces. 
    • Using the back of the chopper or knife, crack the claws. Else you will have difficulties eating them later.
  4. Chop the garlic.
  5. Mix the corn flour with the water. (Used to thicken the sauce later, so don't need alot)
  6. Heat up the wok. Pour the oil and fry the chopped garlic
  7. Once the garlic is fragrance, add in the sambal chili and fry awhile (more of the fragrance, don't over-fry as sambal easier get burnt).
  8. Add the CRAB and fry... After most of the crab is red in color, add in water. Depending on how much sauce you like. 
  9. Add tomato sauce and sugar to taste.
  10. Now, stir in the eggs. Once boiling, stir in the starch water to thicken the sauce. DaTa.. your chili crab is ready! 

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