Monday, June 10, 2013

Steam ToFu

Steam Tofu


  • square steam tofu (if you prefer egg tofu also ok)
  • Minced meat
  • 1 Chinese Mushroom 
  • Water chestnut (opional)
  • Tomato (opional)
  • 1 egg
  • Potato starch/corn flour
  • Water
  • oyster sauce


  1. Cut the tofu into smaller size. (Not too thin)
  2. Dig one shallow hole in the middle of the tofu slices. Don't throw away the tofu, put them into a big bowl.
  3. Cut the mushroom, water chestnut, tomato into small cubes.
  4. Mixed the minced meat, mushroom, water chestnut, tomato and the tofu u remove from the slices just now. Season with oyster sauce (not too much since there is sauce to the tofu later, don't need too salty). Add some starch to thicken it, make it sticky. 
  5. On top of the tofu slices, sprinkle some starch. And place the meat over it. (About one tbsp each depending on the size of the tofu slices) 
  6. Now go steam the tofu under low fire for about 8-10 minutes. (put the tofu in only when the water has already boil)
  7. Crack the egg into a bowl, do no beat. just break the yolk.
  8. After the tofu is steam, move the tofu into another plate (DO NOT POUR THE SAUCE AWAY)
  9. Pour the sauce into a saucepan, bring it to boil on very low fire. Stir in the egg. After which thicken the sauce with the starch. 
  10. Pour over the tofu. Done. 

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